How to Obtain a Large Number of LINE OA Official Account IDs | Hot Facebook Automated Like and Comment Robot | Facebook Marketing Robot | Automated Marketing Robot | BlueEyes Technology

How to Obtain a Large Number of LINE OA Official Account IDs for Easy Friend Add

The LINE OA official account is the latest mobile communication platform provided by LINE. It allows small and medium enterprises, shops, and individuals to interact with fans, facilitating marketing promotion and potential customer exploration.

LINE OA Official Account

LINE provides a public URL for fans to check all certified accounts (commonly known as blue badge stores; individuals cannot obtain a blue badge, only legally registered businesses can). LINE encourages users to join LINE stores, which offer discounts and host events, allowing fans (friends) to interact with stores regularly.

LINE Blue Badge Marketing

500 LINE OA Certified Accounts

The vast majority of certified accounts are registered using the owner's LINE (commonly referred to as the boss). If an employee's phone number is used to register and that employee leaves, what happens? It’s not reasonable to expect the employee to leave their LINE behind. Therefore, when we send messages to these certified accounts, the likelihood that the boss sees them is very high. Even though many LINE OA certified accounts are set to non-one-on-one chatting, the LINE OA administrator can still see the messages and links we send (they can also open the links). While they can disable receiving messages from the LINE OA backend, it's unlikely that businesses completely disregard the possibility that customers may want to contact them via LINE. If the recipient is interested, they will click on the webpage, achieving the purpose of advertising. After all, reaching so many businesses in a short time is quite a challenge.

Finding Certified Accounts

Search for LINE OA Certified Accounts

We can use Google search to collect all LINE OA certified accounts. The collection method is very simple; just check the webpage's source code for the string The characters following that string form the LINE OA official account ID. A similar method can be used to collect the LINE OA certified account mobile barcodes.

Adding Certified Accounts as Friends

Free LINE Auto Friend Add Software

After completing the collection, create a plain text file (txt), with one LINE OA official account ID per line, then import it into LINE Auto Friend Add Software to complete the automated friend addition.

LINE Blue Badge Store Advertising

LINE Blue Badge Store Advertising

LINE is the most used and ranked first communication app in Taiwan. To seize the current LINE business opportunity, shops nationwide are rushing to apply for a LINE official account, hoping to recruit potential customers through LINE and further nurture and retain them. As shops continuously join LINE official accounts, it has led to the most comprehensive store information on LINE. Furthermore, LINE is the best channel for communication with stores nationwide. Therefore, using LINE Auto Friend Add Robot, Extraction Service, and LINE Auto Broadcasting Robot , technology helps you easily advertise to stores.

Extraction Service

Subscribe to Extraction Service

Good news! If you don’t have time to mine for LINE OA official account stores, we have launched Extraction Service ! After subscribing, you will have a steady stream of marketing targets from millions of stores.

Now, just subscribe on the LINE Auto Friend Add AUTOF software to Extraction Service , press the start button, and the remaining work of adding friends will be done by Extraction Service for you, and you will be amazed at how effortlessly the store friends you want will come pouring in from the cloud, completely effortlessly and without wasting any time!

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